RAS-IT is a cybersecurity consulting company that offers software security assessment solutions to support the life cycle of the development of safer systems, network, websites, applications and web services. We are regional pioneers in the specialized segment of information security, offering services such as penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics. Over the years, we have developed several internationally recognized scanning tools for the market of security assessment and risk assessment processes. Some of the tools we were in charge of developing have become a part of various Linux penetration testing distributions. “Outlook Web Access Brute Forcer” tool has been recommended by DEFCON winners. Our expertise comes from corporate, banking, government and software development sector. However, we have the ability to transform state-of-the-art technologies and services into customized solutions for customers of all sizes.
Dejan Levaja
CEO and Lead PenTester
A multi-skilled IT security expert with comprehensive experience of designing, deploying and maintaining IT security architectures and infrastructure. Expert in manual and automated network and operating systems penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. Ability to exploit known vulnerabilities and discover previously unknown (“zero day”) vulnerabilities The results of his work in this field were published on numerous international expert platforms such as SecurityFocus, Secunia and CERT. He was awarded multiple times for security testing results by Microsoft USA.
Nikola Kojic
Senior PenTester
Nikola Kojic has an extensive experience in pentesting high-profile and high-risk web applications, which enables him to detect security gaps in services and applications that are nearly invisible even to the most sophisticated software tools. He has successfully detected and reported a significant number of both open code and closed code software deficiencies. He was awarded multiple times for security testing by the Microsoft, US Department of Defense, Yelp, Quora, Mail.ru, Adobe, Apple, and many others.